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Press Play on the 7 NEWS picture and view the explanation of 'The REALTIME Initiative (RTI)'

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the effects

The REAL-TIME Initiative – (RTI).

In December 2010, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland, (CCIQ),
reported that when our Queensland clocks were ‘not in unison’ with the rest of
the eastern seaboard over a previous 6 months period, a survey of some 2250
businesses from within their membership indicated they had suffered losses of
sales and productivity, increased staffing and extra travel and accommodation
costs totaling a massive $4.35 BILLION.

This has been going on for 47 of the past 51 summers. Extrapolating those
numbers back to 1971 and forward to 2021, totals some $173 BILLION!!
I set myself a challenge – how do we synchronise our clocks with the rest of the
eastern jurisdictions and arrest this haemorrhaging of our economy without
introducing ‘Summer Time’ (DST) to Queensland?

The practical solution I have come up with is detailed in this website. It satisfies
the challenge I set myself and makes DST redundant along the eastern seaboard -
PERMANENTLY – removing those chaotic and confusing situations that occur
every year at the Queensland/New South Wales border.

Once this proposed change to Australian Eastern Standard Time is legislated the
clocks need be changed only once and never again.

My proposal outlines how this anomaly first occurred – we badly missed the
opportunity to correct the problem back in 1898/99.

It’s about time we fixed it – FOREVER.

Graeme Brittenden
Founder and Proponent
E: M: +61 427 423 427.
August 2022.




the history, an opportunity lost 


In 1892, when Australia adopted the proposed ‘global time system’, we had been strongly advised to ensure that ‘major population areas’ were situated within the appropriate time zone. At that time Greenwich (GMT) had been determined as the ‘basis of legal time’ and zone boundaries were measured from there both in an easterly direction over Europe and Asia and in a western direction over the Americas. The meeting point was the International Date Line.


Each 15 degrees longitude in each direction from GMT equalled one hour of ‘legal time’. By 1894 all Australian jurisdictions had legislated that 120 degrees, 135 degrees and 150 degrees east of GMT would determine Western Zone(W), Central Zone (C)  and Eastern Zone (E) Standard Time respectively.  However, there were two major anomalies. Perth at 115 degrees fitted perfectly into WST – however, Adelaide at 138 degrees was outside CST and both Brisbane and Sydney at 153 degrees and 151 degrees were outside EST.


In 1899 South Australia –as was its right - passed the necessary legislation to advance the 135 degrees boundary by a mere half an hour to 142.5 degrees. One problem solved. However, it appears that the legislators on the eastern seaboard were asleep at the wheel. The similar and appropriate adjustment that would have adjusted EST by ‘a mere half an hour’ was somehow overlooked.


An opportunity was lost! It is not unreasonable to assume that if EST had been advanced to 157.5 degrees in 1899, the current version of daylight saving time might not have seen ‘the light of day’.


The proposal that you are now reading fixes this anomaly FOREVER!


It’s now 2019 - a new opportunity!  Let’s be positive - ‘LETSFIXTHETIME’!




Thanks for submitting!


Let's Fix the Time

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